Many believe that the first settlers of the west were the human's, but I believe that the first settlers in the west were the horse. The horse that runs wild and free through the open fields that they have called home. The horse is the one animal that is truly free, until more and more human's have began to populate the world. The more human's that begin to settle towards the west the less horses there are to roam the lands. Humans have taken so much from the horse that we will never be able to return it. What the horse one time called home is now covered over with black top and buildings. The horse was captured by human's and used for labor work, such as farm work and hauling items while the settlers were traveling. Human's were capturing horses to work upon their own land. The land of the west is not the human's land, but it is the horses land. The horse was one of the first settlers here, along with the Indians, but the Indians thought of horses as much more than what humans think of them today. Today horses are no more than glue or dog food to some humans, but to an Indian the horse was the spirit of the west. The horse should always run wild and free on the lands that they were raised upon. The humans should not mess with the horses. There used to be thousands of horses running wild throughout the land, but now it is down to just hundreds. These horses are not a nuisance, they do not tear up humans land, they do not disturb the humans, so why bother them? It is because humans are selfish and greedy, all that they think about is themselves. Considering the horse is worth a little bit of money the humans don't mind capturing them and selling them off. Horses are the spirit of the west and they always will be as long as there is a few that is still roaming the lands, no matter how some people may think of it, or how others may not. I truly and honestly believe that horses are the first settlers on this land and they are the one mammal that can call this land as home.