Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Is Disney Movies Really Appropriate For Children?

For as long as I can remember I have always watched Walt Disney movies, but now that I am getting older I wonder if Disney movies were really appropriate for me to watch as I was growing up, I wonder if Disney movies are appropriate for young children all together. There is many different things that happen in a Disney movie and there is mothers all over that is questioning if it is appropriate for their kids. Mackenzie Beverly is one person that thinks that Disney movies are a little on the inappropriate side for children. Beverly states in the article 7 Classic Disney Movies That Taught Us Terrible Lessons, “The Lion King: To Be Successful, Sometimes People Got to Die” (Beverly). Many would probably see this in many different ways. For example, The Lion King was and still is one of my favorite movies and I believe that The Lion King can be a bit violent for children at this age, but The Lion King is also teaching children that in order to get what you want you must fight for it. The Lion King 2, teaches children that just because there might be different opinions amongst different groups of people, does not mean that all that is involved is not the same. So, The Lion King can give off different vibes to different people, it just depends upon how the movie is looked at. Beverly also lists Cinderella as one of the Disney movies that has taught children terrible lessons, and by doing so Beverly quoted, “Some kind of "Fairy Godmother" will sweep into your life at any moment, and find you a man to take care of everything. Just keep wishing!” (Beverly). Although Beverly believes that Cinderella has taught children this, it does not mean that this is the same way that children look at Disney’s Cinderella. Instead, I believe that children learn that if you keep dreaming and have a lot of faith and work at it a little bit that your dreams may just come true. This is the way that I look at Cinderella, even though Cinderella does disobey the stepmothers wishes as to her staying in for the night, she makes her life better by going with her dreams. Beverly also believes that the Disney movie The Little Mermaid teaches young children, “A little compromise with evil is okay, as long as everything works out okay in the end!” (Beverly) Okay, yes Ariel basically makes the deal with the devil, but to be fair, Ariel did not know that Ursula was evil when she first met her, Ariel did realize it later however. Even though Ariel made a deal with Ursula she still continued to fight for what she believed in and for what she loved, and I think that this is the real purpose behind Disney’s movie The Little Mermaid. Many people have different beliefs and thoughts on Disney movies though, and most will probably keep their own opinion and stand strong for them. Although Beverly believes that The Lion King is one out of seven movies that has taught us terrible things, the Disney Movies Guide says differently. According to the Disney Movies Guide, The Lion King is ranked number one Disney movie at a poll percentage of 91.39%. The Little Mermaid is also on the top of the list coming in place at number four with 88.51% poll votes. So, even though one person believes that these two particular movies have taught our youth terrible things, the rest of the Disney world disagrees, or do they all really disagree? Caitie Flum also has a few things to say about some Disney characters, one in particular, Cruella De Vil. In Flum’s article Jolly Holiday: Disney Villian’s Flum states, “She scared me when I was a kid. Not only did she look scary, but she had an incredibly scary song to go along with her! She also went after the innocent: a bunch of cute puppies! Looking back, she was also pretty deranged/insane, which makes her an even more interesting villain now!” (Flum). Therefore, with an adult saying that Cruella De Ville was scary then and even a little bit now, that makes many wonder how scary could she be to a young child watching 101 Dalmations at this day and age? Cruella De Ville wasn’t the only Disney Villain that Flum had listed in her article, she also listed, Ursula from The Little Mermaid. Which again sends in mixed opinions about The Little Mermaid, but Flum had this to say, “Ursula scared me so much as a kid! The tentacles freaked me out and she was such a great example of how power can be used for evil instead of good.” (Flum). Ursula also freaked me out as a young child, now that I am older looking back I am surprised my mom let me watch Ursula, because I probably got nightmares, but it also didn’t do any real harm to me, so I see why I was still able to watch The Little Mermaid. Disney’s Bambi is the one movies that I truly do not think that young children should watch, maybe at an older age, but not young children. I am not the only one that says this. According to Ralph H. Lutts, “Each time the film is rereleased parents worry about the impact of the death scene on their children.” (Lutts). This is the one reason that I too do not think that Bambi is an appropriate Disney movie for young children to watch. Although, there is so many different opinions on the way that people look at Disney movies, Disney movies will always be the number one children’s movies that people will love. Disney will always be the family movie that most families will grab out of the movie cabinet on family night. Disney will always be the movie that is close to everybody’s heart. Disney will always be close to my heart.


Works Cited

Beverly, Mackenzie. "7 Classic Disney Movies That Taught Us Terrible Lessons." 02 01 2009.

Flum, Caitie Flum And Jason. "Jolly Holiday: Disney Villains!" Walt Disney World For Grownups 15 04 2011.

Lutts, Ralph H. "The Trouble with Bambi: Walt Disney's Bambi and the American Vision of Nature." Forest and Conservation History. 1992. 160-171.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Horses And America

Many believe that the first settlers of the west were the human's, but I believe that the first settlers in the west were the horse. The horse that runs wild and free through the open fields that they have called home. The horse is the one animal that is truly free, until more and more human's have began to populate the world. The more human's that begin to settle towards the west the less horses there are to roam the lands. Humans have taken so much from the horse that we will never be able to return it. What the horse one time called home is now covered over with black top and buildings. The horse was captured by human's and used for labor work, such as farm work and hauling items while the settlers were traveling. Human's were capturing horses to work upon their own land. The land of the west is not the human's land, but it is the horses land. The horse was one of the first settlers here, along with the Indians, but the Indians thought of horses as much more than what humans think of them today. Today horses are no more than glue or dog food to some humans, but to an Indian the horse was the spirit of the west. The horse should always run wild and free on the lands that they were raised upon. The humans should not mess with the horses. There used to be thousands of horses running wild throughout the land, but now it is down to just hundreds. These horses are not a nuisance, they do not tear up humans land, they do not disturb the humans, so why bother them? It is because humans are selfish and greedy, all that they think about is themselves. Considering the horse is worth a little bit of money the humans don't mind capturing them and selling them off. Horses are the spirit of the west and they always will be as long as there is a few that is still roaming the lands, no matter how some people may think of it, or how others may not. I truly and honestly believe that horses are the first settlers on this land and they are the one mammal that can call this land as home.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Horror Movies And Stephen King!!

"Why We Crave Horror Movies", by Stephen King is a very short article, opposed to something that most are familiar with out of Stephen King.

King's thesis statement is most likely the fact that even though these movies are "horror" movies and will most likely be scary, we still feel the craving to want to go and watch these movies no matter if we have nightmares or not.

While King refers to "Jack The Ripper" and "The Cleveland Torso Monster", he is supporting this theory by saying, people would much rather watch somebody being murdered or hear about the murder than do simple things, this is fun to them on a different level!
When King calls horror movies "innately conservative, even reactionary", he is referring to them as; the movie is how the watcher makes it, if he or she thinks it is scary than that is how the watcher will feel, but others may have different opinions on the movie. When King states that horror movies are "anarchistic, and revolutionary", he just means; depending upon the viewer again it depends upon their reaction, but if the horror movies are constantly changing then the viewer is more likely to be intrigued by the movie.

King refers to the term "alligators", he is meaning that these are the people who crave the horror, such as the characters in the movie, or just the viewer of the movie. He also states, "all you need is love as long as you keep the gators fed", he is just simply meaning if there is a lot of horror than the alligators are going to be happy.


I agree with King when he says that horror movies and human nature is linked. Human nature is the way one person reacts to horror movies. Myself, I love horror movies, there is some movies that I jump out of my seat with because I believe that the part being shown in the movie is scary, but others might not believe that this same part in the movie is scary. One might believe that Rose Red by Stephen King isn't a very scary horror movie, but I believe that it is scary, considering it is a house that builds itself. So, it is all based upon how the viewer takes the movie and what the viewer's point of view is.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


How Small Can We Go by Alice Park is a very interesting article. The niche field of nanoengineering is working on making sure that the next big thing will be able to fit in some pretty tight spots (pg 90). There is mini robot that is able to neutralize attacks by detecting toxins before it is even reached into the human body. These little minature robots would be able to do so much more as well. Before reading this article I knew that their was robots all of shapes and sizes that can do multiple things with just the most advanced touches, but little did I know that there was micro-robots that could go into a human body and do such amazing things that these self propelled robots are able to do. Most do not think that there is such a robot that is able to do these things, but now that Alice Park has clearly stated that their is such a robot in her article it is a bit convincing to see that these micro robots are no secret and they do exist and their is more to them than meets the human eye. One thing in the article that is interesting is that these self propelled robots are inside a human body throughout surgeries and they are there to deliver drugs and so forth. That is amazing that their is actually robots inside a human body. These robots can also be used for so many different things other than human bodies, the possibilities are unreal. Sending these robots to the center of the earth could even be a possibility, because they are able to detect and remove toxins from a human body, so surely they can detect toxins anywhere else as well. Nanotechnology in the future can do so much, it could help humans really discover what is out there in the world. Maybe there is still species right here on Earth that human's still do not know about, perhaps they are so small the human can not see with the naked eye. These micro robots can help not only human's throughout healthcare and so forth, but they can help human's explore. Hopefully, micro robots do become a really big thing and that they really help the human population.

Monday, October 7, 2013

What would I create with artificial intelligence?

With unlimited funds and access to equipment I would use artificial intelligence to create a person robot, she would be my assistant, my cleaning lady, she would be my back up. She would be able to do much more than an ordinary person, she would be able to do every day chores very quickly and efficiently. This robot would be faster than a human. She would be able to do the dishes faster than the dishwasher, she could do the laundry and have it folded by the time most would be getting ready to do the laundry, because this robot would be automatically programmed of the household chores that would need to be obtained and by which time. This robot would not only be a cleaning lady though, she would be somebody to talk to around the house when there is times that I talk to myself. (That way I won't be talking into space without getting an answer, I would have this robot there to answer me. This robot may not be very advanced on responding to somebody, but I would have it as advanced to where it could respond and actually make sense as to what is being said and have a common knowledge on how to answer.

This robot would be used for so many things that the list is endless. Although I would use her as a cleaning lady personally. I would also like her to be a babysitter or house watcher. For example, she would be able to detect if anybody is trying to break into the house, just like an ordinary alarm system that costs so much to buy all the add on equipment, and would be able to send signals to the local police department. The robot would also be able to detect fires and signal those to the proper authorities as well. This robot would be an all in one act. She would be a cleaning lady, an alarm system, a built in babysitter, and somebody to talk to when the nights are quiet or just when somebody in the house is having a bad day.

There is so many things that I can think of to use a robot for if I had unlimited funds to build and create a robot. There is so many different types of robots that I would build that I wouldn't even know how to begin trying to explain them all. Robots are helpful in life, and I would use the access to the equipment and unlimited funds to try to make robots even more helpful to society. Imagine all of the endless possibilities for a robot, because there is no end to what they can do, if something can be thought about it can be made until proven other wise.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Do Robots Have Feelings Or Not??

 "Be Careful What You Wish For" by Sherry Turkle, suggests that robots do not have feelings, but human's have feelings for robots. How can this be?

Many think of robots as metal, or heavy machinery, but really robots can be something as small as the Furby pets that were invented some time ago. Furby doesn't show emotions, but a human definitely shows Furby love and devotion. Furby is indeed a robot that most love or that most don't even realize is a robot. Many purchase these creatures as toys for their children, but don't realize how many children would rather use Furby as a companion. Although, is this a good way for a child to build companionship? Is a robot something that human should build companionship with? All of these questions are asked because Furby doesn't even feel emotions, Furby is a robot that is controlled by batteries and nothing more.

Another purchase that many people make is a robotic dog. Robotic dogs are nothing more than what they are called as well as Furby, they are robots. These creatures do not feel emotions either, but humans sure do love to have a pet that can be turned off by battery and just put in the closet, or that they would never have to take out on walks again, but where is the love and companionship in that? A real dog would not only show love but it would be able to feel love as well. Not only that, but human's can see a real dogs love, for instance that wagging of the tail when a dog sees it's owner, or the love in the dogs eyes. Robotic dogs are just like Furby, they are not what human's need in life, they are nothing more than a companionship that isn't real.

Sherry Turkle also talks in her article about how a woman was talking to one of the robotic seals, and human's did nothing at all they just stood and watched her. How could a robotic toy take the place of a human? If mankind is not careful robots will begin to take their place and then their won't be much use for humans to have companionship or love with one another, instead human will just find their little robotic friends and bond with them.

In conclusion, what I am trying to say is that I do not think that a robotic toy should be invented, because children need to bond with human, not with robots. These robots aren't even showing children the love that a human can, robots haven't had the experiences that a human has to help the child. Not only just children though, an adult can even get attached to these robots and start losing interest in human, so I strongly believe that mankind does not need these robotic toys and the creators should have thought of the real reasons why these robotic toys were invented before they were invented.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Robots ~

"Robocops, for Real" by Jenisha Watts and "He, Robot" by Alexandra Sifferlin; are both really extraordinary articles. They both touch base on what robots can do for the society and the world.

Two things in the article "Robocops, for Real" that strike me as intriguing are; the fact that police forces are sending in a robot to do their work and that there is ten robot scouts on the NYPD force. A couple of things in the article "He, Robot" that are interesting to me are, one that the robot's heart pumps blood and that this robot might help doctors find a way to help kidney failure in human's.

Robots can benefit our lives in many different ways. Robots can help not only on the police force but it can also help with other hazardous job occupations. Robots are also helping us when it comes to health care. A few robots are being used in the medical field to help not only with cancer research, but they are also being used for potential human testing. These robots are being used to benefit the human life in many different ways.

The one concern that I would have with these robots is the fact that I am afraid the robots will have a dis-function while humans are using it for cancer research, because then we would have a mislead on the research and would potentially misdiagnose a cancer patient. Also, I would be afraid that the robot would have a misguidance when being used on the police force. For example, I am afraid they will cause a problem and potentially get a human hurt.

In conclusion, I personally like the fact that human's are using robots for potential human testing and hazardous job occupations. Although, I am afraid that the robots will dis-function, I truly believe that these robots are helping the human lives and they will continue to help our lives in the future.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Machines That Think

There is three points in the article "Machines That Think" that is intriguing to me. Those three points are; artificial intelligence is used for cancer research, artificial intelligence has been used to create a robot that paints, and lastly artificial intelligence has been used in cars.

Artificial intelligence being used for cancer research to me is not always the best way to go about things, because the cancer patient might have developed a new cancerous cell that doctors in the past might not have been exposed to, therefore neither would the robot, since the robot is being programmed with past cases of caner diagnostics.

Although on the other hand, this robot might actually be a good thing for cancer research, because the robot will be able to help a cancer diagnostician determine how to treat the cancer patient quickly and more effectively. Therefore, I am not completely sure if I am for or against artificial intelligence and cancer research.

Artificial intelligence being used with art is something that I do not think is a "good" use of machinery, although some scientists might find it a great discovery to create a robot that can paint. I personally just do not see what a robot that can paint would do to better the future. Instead it will just make it harder on true artists that have put hard work into their masterpieces, because more people would be more prone to purchase or follow a robot's art work than they would a human's art work. So, I do not agree with the robot that paints.

Lastly, cars and artificial intelligence is another point in the article that I do not agree with too much. With the cars being able to drive themselves it makes me a little worried, because there is so many things that can happen. The programming might get a default and then the car might wreck, hurting somebody. There is just so many things that can go badly wrong with programming in any machinery that I would be leery to own or to use a Google car.

The one thing in the whole article that I am most excited about is artificial intelligence being used in cancer research, because that is something that I feel can benefit not only one person, but can also benefit the entire world, because this robot is helping not even cancer patients but it is helping cancer diagnosticians treat their patients. Therefore, I think that this is the one thing that stood out to me in the article, it does have it's pros and cons, but it is the one thing that I would probably give a chance.

Monday, September 9, 2013


In 1986, Honda's first human like robot experiment had taken it's very first steps, but the robot was not walking as a human would, so Honda took the time to study human's walking capabilities to better the robot that they called, EO. E0 could only walk in a straight line and took about five seconds to take one step.
In 1988, engineers had created the E2. E2 could walk successfully and imitate a human's walk, one of the most successful robots to be created so far.
Engineers than began to focus on robot's hands and arms which led to their next robot in 1993, the P1. By 1996, engineers had created their second prototype robot, the P2. The P2 could not only walk a straight line, but could walk side to side as well. The P2 could do a lot more human like things than the previous robots, like grasping onto things by remote control and tightening and untightening bolts.
In 1997, the P3 was created being the most independent of the three p robot's. Engineers then wanted to work on a robot that could function with human's and that is when they created ASIMO.
ASIMO was created in November of 2000.
ASIMO is equipped with many capabilities. ASIMO can dance, pretty well to be a robot, in my opinion. This robot can also talk and comprehend what is being said to it. ASIMO will also serve a person when asked to. ASIMO is also equipped to pass items along to other people without dropping or spilling anything that ASIMO might have. ASIMO can take on stairs, push a trolley, and he can run at speeds that are pretty fast for a robot.
I personally would not want an ASIMO robot, because if I would have a robot like this I would just want the robot to serve me everything and wait on me hand and foot and me never run another errand in my life. Personally I think the ASIMO would only be good in a big factory environment or something like that, because a robot like this would make me lazy and I would not want to do anything, and I am sure that if most people had a robot like this they would get lazy as well. Although the robot would be good for some things, it just isn't something that I would personally want.

Monday, September 2, 2013

NAO Next Gen: The new robot of Aldebaran Robotics

You may be asking yourself what is the NAO Next Generation? Well, NAO Next Generation is a robot, a robot that stands twenty three inches tall. This robot can play music. Which includes two loud speakers, and four microphones.  It also has two cameras on it, that can do face recognition and detection. The NAO can turn text into speech, therefore if you would write something to it, it could speak what it had said to you. The NAO has eight different languages available to you. It also has wifi and full body movement. The NAO also has hands just like a human that can grasp on to things. The NAO also has a faster optimized walk compared to other robots in it's league. The NAO also has a fall sensor, which just means he has the ability to break his fall without being damaged.

I believe that this NAO can do many things for the world today, but one for example is this NAO robot can help transmit a lot of files into actual speech and would be able to get a job done quicker than what a human can. The NAO would also be able to help by having so many different things in one device. So to speak, instead of carrying an iPod, or other musical devices, and headphones wrapped around it, a digital camera to take photo's, and a laptop to do work, you would be able to do it all with this NAO robot. Not only would this robot help out in everyday normal life, but it would also help police with its face detection and recognition. This device is good for man kind and should be a thing that is available to us all.

Therefore, I think that the NAO would be a very good investment in the world of technology. It would help a lot of people not only when it comes to those who have to carry a lot, but it will also help when it comes to business work and technology.

Everybody should have a NAO.

You can view the video that my thoughts come from here:


Friday, August 23, 2013

Well, I guess to start out with my name is Chelsea. I am a freshman in college this year, and I have to admit that I am pretty excited to be in college. This semester I have a few goals in mind that I am going to work really hard to get to. One of my goals this semester is to make the honor roll. This goal is mainly because I am really wanting some scholarships, and being on the honor roll is a great path to get started on. Another one of my goals this semester is to meet as many people as I can. I love to meet new people so this semester I am aiming to meet as least one new person every couple of days. This year I am hoping to make it the best that I can. I have already made a few great friends and I hope to make as many as I can. The last goal that I have for this college semester is to go to as many school activities as I can. I never really did participate in much in high school except for RAZE a little bit, so in college I want to have a better experience and enjoy some of the activities that college has to offer. College is one thing that I never really saw myself doing until recently, when I had realized that it was very hard to get a job without having some kind of degree of knowledge in the field that you are interested in. I am studying to be a preschool/kindergarten teacher and I am very proud to now say that I am a freshman in college and that I have three goals that I would love to reach by the end of my first year as a college student's fall semester. So it is just me, three goals, one college, and hopefully a lifetime of memories to remember from my college experience. I am proud to now say that I am a freshman in college and my new experiences in life have begun.